Saturday, January 30, 2010

Durex Pick & Licks

Durex are always welcome into my life and I am feeling particularly well-disposed towards them at the moment on account of the fact that I used their products to induce multiple orgasm yesterday (on her, not me... my orgasms came later through sexual intercourse. Horses for courses, and all that...). That, and the fact that they offered me the chance to try their new 'idea'. I'll put the logo up soon.

Told you it would be soon.

The schtick of Pick & Licks (yes, it's actually called that) is that you choose five lubes or condoms (although, sadly, not vibes, it seems - although they are expensive), send the form to Durex and they send these back to you (yes, that's actually how it works). In fact, that's a system, it seems, designed to bring back happy memories of Woolworths and using their pick-and-mix section to buy unreasonably cheap sweets. (4p was my record, if I remember correctly.)

I await my striped bag with anticipation, as if I don't have enough Durex stuff already...

...okay, now I must go to my bed. There is a naked girl wearing a pair of kitty ears in it. I'm sure you understand.

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