[Sips his tea and smiles genially.]
By way of entertainment the evening of yesterday, I went to a marvellous party. It was rather corking, don't you know? A ripping wheeze wherein we all came in costume - I was an Arabian prince, and it was all jolly spiffing, and rather topical in my case! Most extraordinary!
[Adjusts his monocle.]
And, do you know, I met the most delightful of people there, my dear ladies and gentlemen. Oh yes, I did. A veritable collection of characters - honestly, outside of the Riviera you've never met such a bunch - it's enough to make the most learned of anthropologists blanch!
[Laughs politely; sips his tea; reclines a little into the comfy chair; continues.]
This included a young lady named Cookie - yes, delightfully unusual name, I know! Makes you wonder if she'd come from a travelling fair... anyway, she was dressed as Isis, some sort of Egyptain goddess... and do you know, meeting this Cookie reminded me of something I'd seen one day, some months ago...
[Lights his pipe, takes a few puffs, wheezes a little and smiles.]
It was something like this...
Appearance: The Exotic Time Machine (1998)
Characters: Cookie & Leon
I've already reviewed a scene from The Exotic Time Machine II. This is from the first in that sequence and, being made by Surrender Cinema, some of the regular cast members are on rotation again here, including Gabriella Hall, Nikki Fritz and Taylor St. Clair. Although, to its credit, it's also got actors you don't see that often in Surrender productions. I haven't recognised Joseph Daniels anywhere else, and Tiffany Gonzáles (who appears as a French aid named Mimi... really original casting there) only really appears in this... and, apparently, Love Games, but I haven't seen that in ages.
Anyway, yes, this scene stars Taylor St. Clair. Not to be confused with Sara St. James, Chris St. James or any of the multitude of erotic actresses who appear to have the word "St." in their name. The set-up is ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as it could be. You know, apart from the whole time-travel element. So some stuff happens involving France, and some stuff involving Arabia, and there's Aladdin, and Marie-Antoinette (which Daniels pronounces, "Maree-Annwanet" - kill me)... and eventually the main characters end up in Al Capone's Chicago.
I don't think Al Capone actually appears in this movie. He's not in the cast list on IMDb and I don't remember him being in it, unless I'm grossly mistaken. Anyway...
Cookie is one of Al Capone (boo!)'s girls and, for some reason, she has sex with Leon (our hero!). I can't actually

If you look closely, you can see Del Boy falling over in the background.

They also have sex two ways: missionary, followed by doggie. And both are played out quite well, with enthusiasm by the actors. There aren't any vocal aspects here but the music is suitably "ooh, sex in Chicago" music. Okay, so jazz or blues would have worked much better here - they really missed a trick there - but there's some evidence of blues inspiration in the track. It could be a hell of a lot worse, in any case. But what it boils down to, in the end, os your basic pointless sex scene. There's no plot relevance (the sex with Mimi has actual effect on the plotline, this is just tacked on) and although it's a nice enough scene, there's no character development either - Leon is well-established enough, Cookie isn't seen again and this is the third act, so it's clear they are just filling up time.
But it's the neat little touches that do it for me. Makes me think that someone put some thought into this one, and for that amount of effort, it really does deserve at least one viewing.
Plus... her name is Cookie. And that's pretty cool.
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