Saturday, July 16, 2011


Be young, be foolish, but be happy.


"Ten minutes to go! It's starting to rain."


Her smile beamed at me. We hugged; it had been a long time coming.


I leaned my head over her left shoulder, breathing steadily.
"How was that?" was all I could think of to say.
"Wonderful," was her response.
I closed my eyes in silent jubilation. At long last, I'd been her first kiss. What's more, she'd enjoyed it. The torrential rain pitter-pattered on the canvas of my golf umbrella while our bodies remained close.


"Talking of birds..." I said.
She looked around.
"We're being attacked by ducks!"
With a show of avian bravado, they were waddling towards us at a somewhat alarming rate. And the amount of rain falling on them didn't seem to affect them at all. It was like... well, like water off a duck's back, I suppose.
Why were they approaching us? Were we the only humans sitting having a picnic at that time? In fact, we were, but that's beside the point.
"Okay, maybe they want food," I decided, tearing a crust off my sandwich.


As soon as she brandished her umbrella, they turned and fled. Every time they returned, a show of the trusty brolly sent them packing. Although we had determined that it worked for ducks, we hadn't tested it on geese yet. Nevertheless, it's an important thing to note in the name of SCIENCE.


I stuffed the sopping wet picnic blanket into the plastic bag. Placing that in my backpack, I heaved the whole thing over my back. This left one hand free. I duly took hers in it, and we set off, using but the one umbrella this time.


"Do you want to go to the museum? It'll be dry in there.*
That was the general consensus. But it took us a while to move from the spot where he had started the conversation, as we suddenly became quite busy.


We were almost thrown out of the V&A. In fact, we probably would have been if we had ignored our stern, but quite amusing, warning.
To be honest, the duty manager had a point, in that there were families around, but it was still quite funny when you consider exactly what we'd managed to get away with thus far.
"You can walk around, and hold hands if you want," said the duty manager, "but... no more. Okay?"
I mumbled an apology, and the duty manager turned and walked away. As she did so, I felt a small kiss on my neck.


She couldn't stop laughing.
The picture was fine. It was a perfect shot of our backs in front of @ladypandorah. Uh, Pandora. And I'd never been keen on just leaving the camera on a plinth and then turning our backs to it. Anyone could pinch it, or worse, think it was art. So of course I'd asked a random guy.
But she still didn't stop laughing.
Nor did I, in fact.


Shiny rocks are shiny, Diplodocus is big, chimpanzees look like rabbits, and I hadn't been to the Natural History Museum for a good few years.


"I should get on the train," she said, "but we have a few minutes. I'd rather stand here and kiss you."
And she did.

A few minutes later, she said she had a present for me. This wasn't what I had been expecting. Should I have gotten her something too, I wondered?


My parents enquired as to the nature of my day when I arrived back home.
!My iPod is broken," I said. "It's full of water." My mother made a minor noise of faked concern.
"My BlackBerry is also broken," I continued. She was more upset about this (and so was I, am I genuinely expected to only use the internet when I want to go on Twitter?!).
"I am soaked, tired, and hungry," I soldiered on, all three of which were true.

I turned and walked out of the room.

"Oh, and I just had one of the best days I've had in a very long time," I added, more to myself than anyone else, my face breaking into a small smile as I tramped up the stairs, a five-pack of Snickers hanging loosely from my hand.

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