Appearance: Elke [UK], aka Friend of the Family [US] (1995)
Characters: Montana & Billy
It's an odd film, Elke. The titular character, played by Shauna O'Brien, is a sexy woman who drifts into a family's life and then has lots of sex with various members of the family. But the main impression isn't left on the viewer by O'Brien - it's Lisa Boyle's character, Montana, whose three sex scenes in the film are the most intense, by quite a long way.

Montana is an interesting character because she is presented as a slutty, promiscuous teenager around the age of 17 - although the age isn't exactly specified, because anything under the age of 18 is probably techically illegal to portray. Boyle was probably about 27 when this was filmed, so they've gone down the Glee route of someone much older portraying a teenager. Nice to see the same old technique being used today.
Montana is first portrayed as having a boyfriend - in fact, the film opens with them having sex in a swimming pool (all Americans have pools, apparently). However, towards the middle of the movie, Montana is single again. It is, in fact, a bildungsroman for her; towards the end of the movie, she has matured into a well-balanced individual. That doesn't mean they couldn't squeeze in another sex scene for her, however. And, hey, they didn't. Hooray.
This scene is incredibly simple - Montana and a French bloke named Billy are having some sort of a picnic. He's trying to teach her French, but not very hard, and eventually they start kissing. This leads to disrobing, which in the end leads to sex.
Believe me when I say it is intense.
It could be so cheesy. But it really isn't. It's incredibly well shot. Lisa Boyle is a terribly attractive woman, and the way the characters kiss is very hot indeed, especially at the periodic removal of their tops - Boyle's boobs are very nice, as is Georges' chest (and back). Boyle flips over onto her front for Georges to touch her back and her bum, and then she rights herself

But, as arousing as the whole relative stranger, al fresco, reckless teenager, disrobing, clothes on, OMG it's Lisa Boyle thing is, the best thing about this scene is the neat little touches. Billy continuously quotes French at Montana, leading to her line, "how do you say shut up in French?". He doesn't shut up, incidentally, but you don't notice because the music builds to a very steady crescendo. And the music fits perfectly. It's in time with the rhythm of the scene and ends with a memorable musical motif which is played in every scene with Montana having sex. Theme music for sex - awesome!
Then there's the fact that, despite being underneath Billy, Montana appears in control of the whole thing. The facial expressions on Boyle's face, the way she actually pulls him on top of her, and the position her body is in when they are actually having sex - they all add up to the acknowledgement that Lisa Boyle is very, very good at doing these scenes.
I don't think I've ever seen a sex scene which is more intense than this. Any part of Elke is worth a quick look - in all fairness, it works pretty well as a movie on its own, with a pretty well-thought-put plot and decent enough acting - but this scene can't be beaten, both within its own film and in comparison to most other films of the mid-nineties, and even the ones featuring the same actress.
Quelle beauté!
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