This one's a blast from the past. I must have seen this one in about 2000, two years after it first came out. I would have been about 14 then. I think that makes sense. It took me a while to remember this one, actually, as it didn't make that big an impact on my memory. And by the time I started downloading soft porn, I'd forgotten this scene entirely. I'm glad I found it again, because it's quite good.
Appearance: Lolita 2000 (1998)
Characters: Jolene & Billy Ray
Yes, it does have the word "Lolita" in it. I wonder if the producers ever actually read Lolita. I wonder if they know what connotations the word has. What's worse, it's sometimes spelled "Lolida" as well. And that's not an effort to avoid the word itself... it's a spelling mistake. Gah! Whatever. So, in an effort to avoid any actual plot, we have a wraparound setup, with a lady named, originally, Lolita (Jacqueline Lovell), who is on the run in a futuristic dimension because she has some "stories" (blank CDs that she's holding in her hands in such a way that they'd be scratched and ruined if they actually were to be played), and people want these stories, apparently.
And, despite prosecution if caught, she then proceeds to play us some of the stories. Which are all basically small bytes of soft porn. Not exactly "stories", to speak of.
The third - and final - of these stories is an odd one without much real purpose to it. A man goes into a bar...
[snip three hours of ILB attempting to think of a joke that begins with "a man goes into a bar" that isn't cringeworthy - note: he failed in this mission]
...and he has the necessary fling with a waitress (Skylar Nicholas) in one of the bathrooms. This scene I remembered as being good, but it isn't actually as hot as my twisted memory said it was! Anyway, that's not the scene. Exactly like that bathroom out of Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel, only a bit lamer, after exiting the room, this man finds himself catapulted back a few decades, emerging in a 1950s diner, where a couple - one of whom, in a massive leap of imagination, is a waitress - make love in one of the booths. And that's the scene. This man watches... and that's about it.
So, yes, it's a bit of a cop-out. St. Clair and Briganti both play characters with no development whatsoever. Their

The first thing to talk about is the music. It's odd. It's not bad, but it's not great, either. It's also unusual. It starts off as the typical synthy strains of soft porn music, but as it goes along, it kind of segues in a female vocalist singing a rather incongruous "ooh-aah" over and over again, like a very slow reaction to fireworks, with odd plinky piano sounds. Mind you, it's quite good piano work. It's just loud, so you can't really avoid it. Mind you, I don't like love scenes without music, so no real complaints there.
Costuming is fine too. Although the screenshot I've chosen doesn't actually, erm, show it, their costumes are okay - particularly that of St. Clair's character, Jolene. It's a '50s-style dress, which is pretty authentic, if a bit kitsch, and the headband is a nice touch. Also, as a point of extra note, I really, REALLY like the way Jolene keeps her glasses on all the way through the scene. Really really. It adds something. Billy Ray (Briganti's character) is just wearing standard stuff, but he takes it off pretty quickly.
And the sex is good. They switch positions a bit, which is quite impressive, when you consider it's only a diner booth; each position happens in a different state of undress. Jolene is half-undressed when they use doggy style; the brief shot of missionary happens while she still has her shoes and socks on (which is also hot), and the final - longest - shot is done in the sitting position (see the screenshot), with short playful bumps of movement. At the very end, Jolene grins and both lie back on the bench, Billy Ray on his back and Jolene still in the same position, lying back on top of him. It's a very nice image.
I think there are some more scenes in this story as the characters leap through time, including some involving cavemen who look a bit more like Fraggles than anything else, but that's not particularly important.
So what's good about this scene? Well, I think it's Taylor St. Clair. I've seen a lot of her stuff and I've always found her scenes a bit variable, but I like this one. I think the difference here is that she's playing a cute girl, as opposed to her usual "vixen"-style character, and I like that. It shows versatility, and for the '50s setting, that kinda works. I'm not overly convinced by Briganti, as Billy Ray (I would have preferred him starting out dressed like Eugene from Grease), but I guess he does what he's there for well enough to not cause too much of a distraction. And you see his bum, which is well-toned. Not that that's my thing, but it is a bit more obvious than some bums you get in softcore.
And the glasses. Throughout it all, she keeps 'em on. That really does count for something.
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