Sunday, December 26, 2010

Soft Porn Sunday: Melina Hanson & Anthony DeVilla

At the last CCK social I attended, I met someone who didn't know what softcore was, which is unacceptable, not to mention very hard to believe; what was he doing throughout his teenage years?! TD wouldn't agree with me on this, but I love soft porn - I think it's fantastic, and there are some scenes that always stick out in my head (not to mention my collection). So I'm going to attempt to write about some of them in a regular feature (oh dear God, a "regular feature" - I sound like every other self-absorbed blogger in existence), which I'll call Soft Porn Sunday. Think of me as like a gentler, less successful Mr Skin.

This really isn't going to work. Anyway.

Appearance: Passion Cove, Series 1: "Practice What You Preach"
Characters: Ruth & Nick

Passion Cove is a ridiculou
s programme, but it still draws viewers. Like most softcore programmes around, it has a common setting (in this case, a beach resort), but the plot is always different. I liked it because of the amount of skin we got - a minimum of two scenes per episode, which was okay for half-an-hour. The stories were always totally unbelievable, but at least they were actually trying. And some of the acting wasn't so bad, either.

The scene I've chosen features Melina Hanson as Ruth and Anthony DeVille as her fiancé, Nick. This is odd in itself for a softcore scene, as they're actually Being A Couple, and that's why they have sex. There's none of the randomness element here; they have sex because they are a couple and they like sex. They do it a lot, in fact. Three times in the same episode.

I like this scene, though, because it highlights the "random sex in a random place" element. Gone is the bed in the resort, here we have Ruch and Nick having sex up against a craggy cliff on the seaside. The scene quickly dissolves between different positions - standing-up sex, fellatio against the cliff, cowgirl sex followed by missionary on a picnic blanket which appears to have been placed there specifially for the actors to lie on (thereby avoiding any friction burns or cuts on the rock) - before culminating in the couple having sex on a log (wtf? Where did the log come from?) in slow-motion.

I'm not keen on the slow-mo bit, but I particularly like the fact that this scene used the We Are A Couple element to highlight the possible spontaneity of sex. As you can see from the screenshot, two other characters watch (but they are Not A Couple at this point), but that's only because they happen to chance across Ruth and Nick during a stroll on EXACTLY THE SAME BEACH at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. Oh, good one, show. This doesn't really add or detract from the scene in any way, but as they are the main characters, there was a good enough reason to include this scene.

So, yeah. The music's not great by any means and the camera work's not exactly the best, but it's an okay scene. Hanson and DeVilla have good chemistry with some acceptable bumping and grinding and a very enthusiastic kiss, and it does put sex in random places in a very favourable light. So I like it, for what it's worth.

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