I like sort porn a lot more than I like hard porn (although with hardcore, it tends to revolve around who the actor in question is - Laura Angel's performances are always enthusiastic, and Peter North always makes me laugh for some reason). In fact, I'm something of an advocate (and former connoisseur) of the softcore stuff. But when it comes to the darker side of Japanese drawings, I prefer hentai over ecchi.
Okay, I'm going to need to explain - "hentai" is a generic term, but it usually refers to manga-style porn between a boy and a girl. Boys with boys is yaoi, girls with girls is yuri. Ecchi, on the other hand, can be any of them; the difference is that it's the softcore equivalent. With some pictures, it can be hard to tell. But there is a distinct difference. 4chan has a board for ecchi, in case you are at all curious. And you know, I do like it. It's mostly nudity, with very little sex, but if you're into that sort of stuff, then the artistic quality is uaually high.
But anyway, I prefer hentai. Not the stuff with tentacles, it has to be said. That's just wrong on all levels imaginable. And then there's the hentai that only shows a cock going into a vagina. Thanks, but I know exactly what those things looks like. A rough cartoon approximation isn't going to develop my knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and physiology of reproductive organs much. What I like is hentai that shows a bit of it. Not a lot - but a bit of what's going on downstairs, while also showing the rest of the bodies involved, including the generous breast sizes of the ladies and the characteristic hairstyles of the boys.
I think this is because it's a lot easier to imagine when you see it going on. Or at least see it going on as well as seeing other things. This is why I like soft porn - there's no actual penetration so they artfully show you the participants' whole bodies. And you know it's simulated sex, but at least they're acting like they're having sex (and it's usually convincing enough to tittilate, plus the music rocks). But with manga, they're pictures, so you know it's not real and there's nobody to make the noises either. An ecchi couple having sex could just as easily be sitting in an unfortunate position.
So I need to know they're engaged in the act of coitus, otherwise it's either voyeurism on your part or faked on their part. You know, with them being fictional and all. But if you admit they're fictional, bang goes all the fun.
Even if the ecchi girls are generally more attractive...
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